Facebook API changes July 2015

Many of our clients may have picked up a change w.r.t. their Facebook feed on their website.

This is due to the fact that Facebook Developers have made a change to how their FB Graph API works.

There is a physical limit of 500px on the width of the Facebook feed now. Many of our clients have the Facebook feed set wider than the 500px which may cause your website to not look as great as it did before.

There is a lot of talk amongst web developers around the world about this issue at the moment.

As things stand right now, there is nothing much we can do about it until Facebook releases an updated Graph API, but according to our research it seems that Facebook are not going to change this in the near future.

At 21 Digital Web Solutions we are also looking for an interim work around in the mean time, but please be patient. We always try find a way to win.